Asian American and Pacific Islanders
- Asian Community Conversation with MCPS (4/8/21) - Video Recording
- Equity Matters: Addressing Anti-Asian Hate and Violence
- MCPS Waymaking - Ally Building and Creating Safe Spaces for Asian American Students Video
- Public Service Announcement for AAPI Families Facing COVID-19 Discrimination
- - Asian Americans - The history of identity, contributions, and challenges experienced by Asian Americans.
- NBS News - The Racism Virus: Anti-Asian Attacks Surge (3/10/21)
- Stop AAPI Hate
- Resources for Asian Parents and Students
Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation
- MCPS Policy on Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation
- MCPS Guidance for Prevention of Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation
- MCPS Form for Reporting Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation
- MCPS Let’s Talk Respect: Preventing Sexual Harassment and Assault, Student Town Hall (10/13/20) Recording
- How to Help Kids Deal with Cyberbullying
- Montgomery County Executive Marc Erlich Statement Regarding the Abuse of East Silver Spring ES Student by MCPD and MCPS Staff (3/26/21)
- BOE President Wolff and Superintendent Smith Statement Regarding the Abuse of East Silver Spring ES Student by MCPD and MCPS Staff (3/26/21)
Districtwide Boundary Analysis
- Update
- MCPS Interactive Boundary Explorer
- Bethesda Beat Article (4/9/21) - MCPS Boundary Analysis Report on Track for May Release
- A Guide to School for Families of English Learners
Extracurricular Activities at Hoover
- Non-Athletic Extracurricular Activities Information
- Student Registration Form (Non-Athletic Extracurricular Activities)
Gender Identity
- MCPS Gender Identity Guidelines
- MCPS LBGTQ+ Information Page
Gifted Education
- MCCPTA Gifted Child Committee - Gifted Education: The What, When, Where and How for Highly Able Learners in MCPS - Materials from 1/6/21 Presentation
- MCCPTA Gifted Education Committee Mathematics Information Night Resources (2/10/22)
- MCCPTA Gifted Education Committee February Meeting Presentation (2/17/22)
- MCCPTA Gifted Education Committee Comparison - CES/ELC vs. Benchmark Advanced with Enrichment Guidance (Grades 4-5)
- MCCPTA Gifted Education Committee Presentation in Forum on "Unmasking the Myths Behind Gifted and Talented Programs" (2/22/22)
- Social Emotional Development and Needs of the Gifted Presentation (MCPS Gifted & Talented PTA Meeting 9/27/17)
- MCCPTA Gifted Education Committee and Special Education Committee Presentation: Gifted with Learning Differences: Twice Exceptional (2e) Students in MCPS hosted by Sarah Jackson (3/23/22) - Recording and Materials
Hoover MS Administration
- Hoover Weekly Assignment Summaries (2022-2023)
- Hoover Weekly Assignment Summaries (2021-2022)
- Week of JUNE: 6th, 13th
- Week of MAY: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
- Week of APRIL: 4th, 18th, 25th
- Week of MARCH: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
- Week of FEBRUARY: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
- Week of JANUARY: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
- Week of DECEMBER: 6th, 13th, 20th
- Week of NOVEMBER: 1st, 8th, 15th, 29th
- Week of OCTOBER: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
- Week of SEPTEMBER: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
- Week of AUGUST: 30th
- HHMS Back-to-School Night Resources (9/1/21)
- HHMS Rising 6th Grade Parent Night Presentation Materials (2022-2023)
- HHMS Rising 6th Grade Parent Night Presentation Materials (2023-2024)
- WCHS Rising 9th Grade Information (Course Registration for 2022-2023)
- Dr. Kim's Monthly Messages:
- Parent Teas
- Hoover Student Resources
- Hoover Parent Resources
Hoover MS Media Center
Hoover Media Center Staff: Mrs. Jennifer Kim, Media Specialist - [email protected]
Mrs. Susan Carlin, Media Assistant - [email protected]
Hoover Media Center Staff: Mrs. Jennifer Kim, Media Specialist - [email protected]
Mrs. Susan Carlin, Media Assistant - [email protected]
- Media Center Website
- Book Wars - Coming soon.
- Book Recommendations: To request book recommendations from Mrs. Kim or Mrs. Carlin, please fill out this form.
Meal Distribution
- Food Resource Map (enter your zip code to see where food is available near you)
- MCPS Meal Distribution Information
- School Bus Service Site Locations
MCPS Capital Improvements Plan
- Superintendent's Recommended FY 2022 Capital Budget and Amendments to the FY 2021-2026 Capital Improvements Program
Parent Academy and Parent Academy TO GO
The Parent Academy is designed to inform and empower families as advocates and partners in their children's education. Workshops provide families with useful information and resources to support their children's academic and emotional well-being, as well as helping them to be college and career ready. Workshops are FREE and preregistration is encouraged. New is Parent Academy TO GO, a series of virtual workshops for families to view at home. More information and registration here.
Parent Academy To Go - Tips for Virtual Learning Success Webinar (9/11/20)
The Parent Academy is designed to inform and empower families as advocates and partners in their children's education. Workshops provide families with useful information and resources to support their children's academic and emotional well-being, as well as helping them to be college and career ready. Workshops are FREE and preregistration is encouraged. New is Parent Academy TO GO, a series of virtual workshops for families to view at home. More information and registration here.
Parent Academy To Go - Tips for Virtual Learning Success Webinar (9/11/20)
Quicknotes is a monthly newsletter with the latest news and information about MCPS programs and activities.
Race and Equity
- A Courageous Conversation on the Impact of Racism on Mental Health - Recorded Program
- MCPS Equity Journey
- Virtual Accountability Forum Webinar presented by The Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity & Excellence (10/15/20) - Recorded Program
- Study - Securing Educational Equity: Learning from the Lived Experiences of Black, Brown and Low Income Families, During the COVID-19 Pandemic - conducted by The Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity & Excellence together with University of Maryland's School of Public Health
- 2020 Family Engagement Summit - Webinar Series - Small Changes for Big Results - Understanding Equity and Implicit Bias When Engaging Families
- Webinar #1 - Birth-12 Equitable Family, School, Community Engagement (8/13/20)
- Webinar #2 - Mental Health and Trauma (9/10/20)
- Webinar #4 - Teacher Well-Being (11/12/20)
- UPDATE on MCPS' Systemwide Anti-Racist Audit (12/9/20)
- UPDATE on MCPS' Systemwide Anti-Racist Audit (2/10/21)
- Montgomery Community Media Post (2/24/21) - Some MCPS Middle School Staff Will be Trained in Restorative Justice
- Presentation slides from 5/19/21 NAACP Parents' Council Meeting
Religious Diversity
- Guidelines for Respecting Religious Diversity (2020-2021) (English) (Spanish) (Chinese) (French) (Korean) (Vietnamese) (Amharic)
- Teaching Materials on Anti-Semitism and Racism
- 7 Ways for Parents and Teachers to Stop the Rise of Anti-Semitism
- How to Talk to Children About Anti-Semitism
- How 10,000 Menorahs Helped a Town Defeat Hate
- 5 Tips for Talking to Children About Anti-Semitism
- Hate Symbols
Social Emotional Learning & Support
- MCPS Office of Student and Family Support and Engagement webpage
- MCPS Be Well 365
- MCPS Mindful Moments Video Series
- MCPS Waymaking Video Series
- MCPS Virtual Parent Academy Video Series
- Seven Ways to Build a Child's Resilience During the Pandemic (And Long After It Ends)
- Helping Kids Make Decisions
- Teaching Kids About Boundaries
- How to Help Kids Deal with Cyberbullying
- Teaching Social Skills at Home
- What to Do (and Not Do) When Children Are Anxious
- American Psychological Association: How to Help in an Emotional Crisis
- National Association of School Psychologists: School Safety and Crisis
- Important Support Phone Lines
- Montgomery County Crisis Hotline: (301) 738-2255
- Maryland Safe School Tip Line: (833) MD-B-SAFE
- Montgomery County Crisis Center (240) 777-4000
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP): (240) 401-6498 (For MCPS Employees)
- Cultures of Dignity Webinar - How to Restart Teens' Healthy Habits: Are They Slacking When They're Napping? (2/23/22)
Social Media Safety
Safe Technology Committee of the MCCPTA
Monitoring Your Kids' Social Media Flyer
11 Social Media Red Flags Parents Should Know About (from Common Sense Media)
TikTok Guide for Parents
PTA Connected - Take Charge of Your Digital Life
National PTA Safer Internet Week 2021 Recordings
Safe Technology Committee of the MCCPTA
Monitoring Your Kids' Social Media Flyer
11 Social Media Red Flags Parents Should Know About (from Common Sense Media)
TikTok Guide for Parents
PTA Connected - Take Charge of Your Digital Life
National PTA Safer Internet Week 2021 Recordings
- National PTA's Safer Internet Day: Real Conversations with Families About Digital Kindness (2/9/21) (Best for everyone)
- Workshop: Helping Families Navigate Technology - Sponsored by Google (2/10/21) (Best for families of elementary school-aged children)
- The Ultimate School Assembly - Sponsored by TikTok (2/11/21) (Best for middle and high school students and families)
- Having the Smart Talk - Sponsored by NortonLifeLock (2/12/21) (Best for everyone)
Special Education and Needs
- Special Education Resources for MCPS Parents, Guardians, and Advocates (as shared by the MCCPTA Special Education Committee)
- Join the Special Education Committee Facebook Page
- MCPS Committee on Special Populations Forum Meeting: Reimagine, Reopen, Recover - What Does this Look Like for Students with Special Needs (8/27/20)
- Are You Ready? - A Transition Checklist for Students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) - English and Spanish
- A Guide for Career Seekers with Disabilities - English and Spanish
- Partnership for Extraordinary Minds (an organization that seeks to improve K-12 education for students on the autism spectrum in Montgomery County, MD
- MCPS Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
- MCCPTA Special Education Committee Quarterly Speaker Events
- MCCPTA Special Education Committee - Neurodiversity Presentation given by Dr. Jaclyn Halpern and Laura Morlok (1/6/22) - Recording, Slides
- MCCPTA Gifted Education Committee and Special Education Committee Presentation: Gifted with Learning Differences: Twice Exceptional (2e) Students in MCPS hosted by Sarah Jackson (3/23/22) - Recording and Materials
Hoover SSL Coordinator: Ms. Linda Weiner - [email protected]
Hoover SSL Coordinator: Ms. Linda Weiner - [email protected]
- MCPS - General Information and Forms
- SSL Requirements Under COVID-19
- SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote SSL Opportunities
- How to Check Student's SSL Hours on Student/ParentVUE
- Montgomery County Volunteer Center (list SSL opportunities)
- Quick Link to Student Opportunities
- Quick Link to Virtual Student Opportunities
- Calendar of SSL Opportunities
Students' Privacy & Rights and Responsibilities
Synergy ParentVUE
- If parents did not receive an email with ParentVUE activation information, call (240) 740-7020 or email [email protected]
- If parents cannot see all of their children in ParentVUE, please complete this form to merge accounts.
- ParentVUE Support Guide
- Parent Webinar Series - Getting Started with ParentVUE Webinar Materials
- Parent Webinar Series - ParentVUE Online Registration Webinar Materials
Technology Support
- Wireless Hotspot (MiFi): (240) 740-7020, pick up MiFi devices at 45 West Gude Drive, Monday-Friday (10:00am to 12:00pm)
- Technical Support Helpline: (240) 740-7022, Monday-Friday (7:00am - 8:00pm)
- MCPS Digital Backpack (MCPS resources for technology issues)
- How to Add Your Student's Canvas Calendar (assignments and due dates) to Your Google Calendar - Instructions
- Parent Webinar Series - Webinar Recordings
- Parent Webinar Series - Accessing Zoom Meetings Webinar Materials
- Parent Webinar Series - Supporting Your Student: myMCPS Classroom Navigation Webinar Materials
- Parent Webinar Series - Supporting Your Student: myMCPS Classroom Assignments Webinar Materials
Copyright © 2022 Herbert Hoover Middle School PTA, All rights reserved.