As of June 24, 2024
Proposed safety improvements include the installation of approximately 500 linear feet of sidewalk along the southern side of Tuckerman Lane. This new sidewalk will provide a pedestrian path leading to the Postoak Road intersection, where a school crossing guard is present for arrival and dismissal. The project will also add pedestrian refuse and a crosswalk at Tuckerman Lane and Postoak Road intersections and rebuild existing ramps to be ADA-compliant. The existing crossing across Tuckerman at Duryea Drive will remain, and new bump outs will be constructed at the eastern edge of the intersection. View the project plan at this link: Tuckerman – Herbert Hoover Concept Plan.
The Committee is working with the MCDOT Safe Route to School (SRT) to address concerns about the clogged roadways, poor driver visibility, inexperienced Churchill and St. Andrews drivers, and safe walkability for Hoover and Beverly Farms students. The Committee's first meeting with the SRT Representative was on 12/11. The meeting was extremely productive. SRT plans to do the following:
Short Term Plan
We will be provided details shortly. They do plan to address sidewalks the length of Tuckerman from Falls Road to Seven Locks.
Additional Meeting between SRT and MC Police
The SRT Team will be meeting with Sergeant Kerry Moore, from Montgomery County Police School Traffic Safety Office (Not Part of MCDOT) to discuss his team's observations/ recommendations to see if they should be incorporated into the short or long term plan. Those requests are as follows:
Tuckerman is identified by county roads as a primary road, with high traffic volume. Both crosswalks on Tuckerman at Post Oak & Duryea are mid-block crosswalks, with a marked crosswalk but no pedestrian signal or traffic signal present. In the interest of public safety, we are requesting consideration of the following engineering enhancements in this area (studying any/all of these options):
SRT will be ordering a "Walkability Study" for all roadways within one mile of Beverly Farms and 1.4 miles from Hoover and Churchill. They will continue to involve the PTA in this process.
Property Owners Notification & Feedback
In early February 2024, MCDOT distributed flyers to neighborhood property owners outlining these changes and requesting feedback by 2/9/24. In person or virtual meetings will be held after that deadline to hear from residents about their safety concerns.
As of June 24, 2024
Proposed safety improvements include the installation of approximately 500 linear feet of sidewalk along the southern side of Tuckerman Lane. This new sidewalk will provide a pedestrian path leading to the Postoak Road intersection, where a school crossing guard is present for arrival and dismissal. The project will also add pedestrian refuse and a crosswalk at Tuckerman Lane and Postoak Road intersections and rebuild existing ramps to be ADA-compliant. The existing crossing across Tuckerman at Duryea Drive will remain, and new bump outs will be constructed at the eastern edge of the intersection. View the project plan at this link: Tuckerman – Herbert Hoover Concept Plan.
The Committee is working with the MCDOT Safe Route to School (SRT) to address concerns about the clogged roadways, poor driver visibility, inexperienced Churchill and St. Andrews drivers, and safe walkability for Hoover and Beverly Farms students. The Committee's first meeting with the SRT Representative was on 12/11. The meeting was extremely productive. SRT plans to do the following:
Short Term Plan
- Install a 5’ sidewalk with a 2’ buffer between Postoak Road and Duryea Drive, providing a pedestrian path from Duryea Drive to the Postoak Road intersection where a school crossing guard is present for arrival and dismissal.
- Provide two crossings across Tuckerman at Postoak Road and rebuilding existing ramps at the intersection to be ADA.
- Maintain the existing crossing across Tuckerman at Duryea Drive.
- Remove the shoulder on the south side of Tuckerman between Postoak and Duryea to provide for sidewalk connection without impacting existing drainage ditches and installing curb openings to allow for drainage.
We will be provided details shortly. They do plan to address sidewalks the length of Tuckerman from Falls Road to Seven Locks.
Additional Meeting between SRT and MC Police
The SRT Team will be meeting with Sergeant Kerry Moore, from Montgomery County Police School Traffic Safety Office (Not Part of MCDOT) to discuss his team's observations/ recommendations to see if they should be incorporated into the short or long term plan. Those requests are as follows:
Tuckerman is identified by county roads as a primary road, with high traffic volume. Both crosswalks on Tuckerman at Post Oak & Duryea are mid-block crosswalks, with a marked crosswalk but no pedestrian signal or traffic signal present. In the interest of public safety, we are requesting consideration of the following engineering enhancements in this area (studying any/all of these options):
- Install a HAWK Pedestrian signal either across Tuckerman @ Duryea or Tuckerman @ Post Oak (depending on higher ped volume).
- Consider eliminating the crosswalk across Tuckerman @ Post Oak (or Tuckerman @ Duryea - eliminating one or the other, to push peds to the crossing with either a crossing guard or HAWK ped beacon).
- Extend the current sidewalk from the bus stop on Tuckerman near Duryea down to the house in front of 8800 Tuckerman.
- If none of these are viable, install a pedestrian safety island at Tuckerman & Post Oak and Tuckerman & Duryea.
SRT will be ordering a "Walkability Study" for all roadways within one mile of Beverly Farms and 1.4 miles from Hoover and Churchill. They will continue to involve the PTA in this process.
Property Owners Notification & Feedback
In early February 2024, MCDOT distributed flyers to neighborhood property owners outlining these changes and requesting feedback by 2/9/24. In person or virtual meetings will be held after that deadline to hear from residents about their safety concerns.